Planet Earth --- The third rock from the Sun ! This planet has never ceased 2 fascinate me not because I'm here---because I cant b anywhere else ! After all I'm a carbon based organism tat can survive only in an Oxygen atmosphere :-(............
Space and will be an obsesssion with me thro my life...I think....Right..from the day i knew there are 9 planets revolving aroud our Sun...I've always wondered y cant one find another Sun / Earth among the billions trillions God knows how many stars....naturally...ETz shud exist but I dont believe in one thing....its not necessary that they may be technologically advanced as we are ( but most of the hollywood movies presume so...Mebee ppl always like 2 visualize thm facing movies atleast...the tragedies are overcome....inreal? )
hv been reading Foundation series of Asimov.....somehow the technology...though it is Asimov's creativity tat deserves credits.....yeah...the technology..technologies described seem quite feasible.....cant say much abt the hyper spatial travel though..but gravitic planes....nuclear power based products......they are quite possible......
i was totally wowed by the concept of psychohistory....brilliantly based on Kinetic theory of wondering,....if any of the mathematicians are indeed doing some kinda work on it?
mapping the whole galaxy --- tat wud b one hell of a job!
Another brilliant concept----- Using religion as a binding factor! religion is another thing i'm obsessed with! rather...the origin of religions..i shud say! in this days of such a low religious tolerance..i shud make myself clear! in fact...i think this shud hv been a borrowed concept from our world itself....wasnt Christianity chosen as a common religion to unite the thn defragmented Europe? If i see in tat light....does EU formation reflect the strategy adopted by Hober Mallow ( one of the mayors of terminus / Foundation )
Was reading this article in THE interview with the man I admire the most ---APJ Abdul Kalam....the timing cudnt b anymore perfect...already my mind was lighted with the fire of science fiction...but the interview...made me 2 start believin' tat the time would surely come whn wat we read as fiction is no longer so! Anyways...his ideas of having indigenous hyper planes and Earth - Moon- Mars---interplanetary association are brilliant!
I am a strong believer in the fact tat the human mind is the best treasure---A treasure whose value hasnt been realised completely yet! I believe tat any man has the potential to achieve anything he / she wants!
Well............all I want is-----------this fantasy of mine ...this obsession...this dream of "humanity across galaxy" to come true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!