Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Move on....errr...but where?

A Greek philosopher is supposed to have quoted “Nothing endures but change”. And few others have acknowledged “Change is inevitable”. And I believe “Change is the way of survival”.

Human beings as species could script this enviable success story of theirs primarily due to their adeptness in identifying the need for change and implementation of change itself. From hunters to nomadic gatherers to agricultural settlers to space voyagers (to being terrorists :- ) , each change has been a milestone. Had this species got into comfort zone and given in to complacency, it might have been the end of story considering the fact humans neither had the physical prowess nor superior locomotive capabilities to outdo their predators. I can safely use past tense here as I do not think we have left anyone capable of harming us to exist anymore.Sometimes, I think it may be true after all what Calvin told Hobbes - something to the effect of ‘the entire purpose of history is to produce Chaos’ ;-) No, Calvin used his name instead of ‘Chaos’ :-) I want to quote that and add “and rest of human species’.

This inherent need to change and adapt has materialized itself thru various discoveries, inventions and innovations that served as “change agents”. From Fire to Electricity to attempts to find ‘God’ Particle, our curiosity is what that has differentiated us as an ‘intelligent’ species from the rest. And as member of this species, I am not immune against this ‘curiosity’ bug and have been found to exhibit symptoms of infestation like 1. brooding deeply to understand how things work 2. asking too many questions till the provided answers converge at some point of logic 3. Writing blogs

In light of aforesaid curiosity ,its natural that I have spent some time contemplating as to what could be the next surge of change that is awaiting to happen (meaning I would like to see happen) and the agents that would bring it about. And this is what I believe it would be

  • Space travel - I really hope deep from my heart that I get to set foot on some heavenly object other than this brown, boring and often sticky silicon compound on Earth
  • Discovery of gene of longevity so that I can live as long as it takes to make that space travel possible
  • Generation of Power from sources of renewable energy - like Page 3 gossip which will never exhaust as long as there are celebrities and there will be celebrities as long as Page 3 is there;-) A self sustaining source, wow !
  • Most important one - How to get rid of cockroaches from the face of this planet ? Should petition the scientist to extract the source of longevity from these damn creatures as I am sure they are the ones who usurped it all!

What do you think will be the major change in the coming years and what would bring about it ?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Child Labour - ends in classrooms?

There has been so much said, written and read about Child Labour. If not the entire mass, at least the educated population of the country is aware of the hapless situation. Of course, the recent incidents are unearthing the facts that it is indeed the educated mass that is actually promoting and exploiting this form of labour. Shameful state!

Though there are labour laws that are supposed to enforce the prohibition of using child labourers, I am not sure we have a fool-proof solution for the problem. Yes, institutions employing child labour are busted and the children are rescued. What next? Children are apparently sent to schools to start / continue their education.

So, are we to infer that the solution actually provided for their progress is ever debatable Macaulay education? These children did not relinquish their education for no reason. They would rather like to see Gandhian notes than the ruled note books. The Government might want to draw my attention to schemes like mid day meal scheme etc but food is not the only expense for any individual. Probably, even free healthcare can be thought about.

Anyway, my thoughts were mainly about the education being provided as the solution currently. It’s my personal belief that Macaulay education that is being prevalent in most of our educational institutions does not actually serve the purpose of rendering individuals employable. More than unemployment, its unemployability that seems to be the root cause of the unemployment problem of Indian mass at large. And recommending this kind of education to these children will not effectively provide any succour to survive the day to day battle of their lives.

How about investing heavily in vocational training centers then? How about introducing schemes like “You learn, you produce and we pay”, probably in the form of stipends? Even psychologically, these kids would be different from the regular school-bus kids. They may not entirely adapt to classroom environment. Their restlessness will prove to be so much of a distraction to handle. I am not very sure we are actually doing any good to these kids by enrolling them in such educational institutions. And my vote goes to vocational training center in such situation. How about yours?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Taj Mahal - Kaleiodoscope 1

My attempt at writing short stories commences today and the series has been titled as ‘Kaleidoscope’ to represent myriad of my thoughts. These shall not be random stories and their relevance will be understood sooner or later. Let me know if it reminds you of something. It SHOULD remind of something as it is inspired by a recent event. Please guess the incident that inspired me.

Taj Mahal

It was 12.20 AM. Chris looked at the cover of the book in his hands. The magnificient edifice of marble on the cover reminded him of the potential of human will. The book had been his companion through the past few months. Months of endless days and sleepless nights. The story of the masterpiece accompanied him through a period of what he considered the gestation period of his own master piece. A piece that shall be unparalleled when born. He could not wait to walk the red carpet when his baby will be hailed by the world. He smiled broadly at the picture in the book - a sketch of a Moslem ruler under whose rule the marble mausoleum was built. He picked up the book, wore his spectacles that was hanging around his necks and looked at the picture closely. The ruler’s name was Shah Jahan. He felt a surge of pride when he thought - ‘I shall be immortalized, like this Mughal, by my masterpiece’. He proceeded to read the section under the picture once again.

Chris looked at the time-piece on the table beside the bed. The clock’s panel glowed ‘4.00 AM’. He picked up the cordless and dialled a number. The digits on the number pad were fading. He thought - ‘Just once more’. Andy was awake. He placed the book on the bed,ambled to his bathroom, opened the shelf and picked up the vial. He looked at his reflection in the mirror on the shelf and saw a stranger glaring back at him.Picking up his jacket from the living room, he checked to see if the car keys were in there and walked out of the house after locking the door.

Andy was always welcome to receive him. Numerous were the nights when both of them had not slept a wink and spent the nights discussing the passion of their life. At that point of time, both had just one purpose for existence - the masterpiece. Though the masterpiece was primarily Chris’s, Andy had made it his sole reason for his living and it was evident the way the masterpiece was shaping up. He had felt a huge void when his marriage fell apart and Chris’s masterpiece was all that he had. While Chris was falling back on his book to keep him connected to sanity, Andy had to resort to psychiatric presciptions to ensure he stay connected with the real world. He was often found babbling although the lines spoken were familiar for Chris. It was Chris who had admonished Andy and made him realize the monstrosity of his obsession with the masterpiece. He had been there for Andy during his trips to his psychiatrist.

It was 5.00AM. Chris realized Andy would be taking his prescribed dose sometime soon. As ever, Andy was talking passionately about how he was thinking about making the masterpiece absolutely flawless. Chris said ‘ Andy, isn’t time for shrink’s prescription?’. Andy smiled in return and said ‘Chris, what would I do without you? Its you who got me into this and probably thats why it hurts so much, isn’t it? ‘. He was turning his back to Chris and picked up the box having his prescriptions. He proceeded to place them on the table facing Chris. He opened a vial and out came a white pill. He ripped apart a tablet cover and placed another yellow colored tablet next to the pill. Then came another capsule and finally one more pill to complete the concoction. This cocktail of drugs was what that had kept Andy in touch with the real world. They were talking about the days to come and like anxious fathers, they could not help the restlessness they were experiencing these days as their baby was about to be born. Andy got up to fetch some cold water for himself and a beer can for Chris.

Chris was walking towards his car and he felt he was sweating profusely though the temperature would have been around 30 degrees F only. He looked at his watch and saw it was 5.30 AM.

Chris woke up flustered. He felt as though the migraine was going to split his head. He realized he had left TV on before he slept. A presenter was talking animatedly. Then he caught sight of the letters - ‘Andrew found dead in his apartment!’. He got himself up from the sheets and looked at the book in his hand, with his fingers serving as the bookmark. He opened the book and saw the page he seemed to hold on to tightly - A sketch of Shah Jahan seemed to look at him ominously. He wore his spectacles and read the letters in small font under the picture

“It is described often in horrific detail, the deaths, dismemberments and mutilations which Shah Jahan supposedly inflicted on various architects and craftsmen associated with the tomb so that the masterpiece can never be reproduced. But there has been no evidence to prove ..”

Chris looked at the jacket draped on the back of the chair in the room. He knew the vial was in the pocket !

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wish to be alone on an island ! (Coz love hurts)

Swarmed by faces all around
Buzzing words - the mere sound !
A magic wand is all I wish
'Abracadabra' - Hope they vanish !

Father, Can I ever be more hurt
Don't you think I deserve any respect?
Its because of you I am here
To be stung by the barbs from your dear !

Why is it hard for you
To hear me say 'No'?
Why do you always force me
To choose between the devil and the sea !

Please accept me as I am
For I ain't no meek lamb !
You make me look fervently
For an island where only I be !

Friday, July 18, 2008

Hanging gardens of... Future!

I believe one of the major challenges that we, as a living organism, will face in the future will be lack of usable land for agriculture. Exploding population growth will need more land to be used as habitat. Considering this grim situation, it will be soon the need of hour to innovate the farming process and identify alternate methods of farming.

Though I am not an expert at farming - actually I do not even have an iota of knowledge about it , I still ventured to let my imagination take flight. I wanted to develop the idea based on the requirement of using less ground space. I remembered reading about “Hanging Gardens of Babylon” in the book “Seven Ancient Wonders” by Matthew Reilly. From what I remember, the hanging gardens came across as some innovative and efficient method of more common Terrace gardening. The irrigation method also warranted a special mention as the challenge was two fold - getting the water upto the top of pyramid like structure and ensuring the foundation is not damaged. I do not know the intricate details and will be googling after the post most probably.

Now, My idea is - we know how to build a skyscraper. Now how about having a skyscraper with a design that can support farming. What I can dream of is - let the weight of the building be supported by a central mast. Now , the levels themselves can be something like how leaves are attached to stem - alternating left and right as you go up.Ok, I am thinking of let the levels rotate around the central tower so that there is enough sunshine. Irrigation can be done by having streamlets run thru central tower and the levels thus ensuring the usable space is moist. A very rough sketch ( A very ugly one Pardon me ). My two cents will not hurt, right? :-)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It is company’s decision ! (Read as : Do not ask me anything)

My face is at its contorted best when I hear anyone from higher management state the following - “It is company’s decision”. So what is it supposed to mean ?

  • I do not need to answer you. Next Question please.
  • Even I think its ridiculous but I cannot do anything but pass it down to you guys because I lack spine
  • Didn’t you realize you are just a resource? It was your folly to have suffered from the delusion that you are part of the company.
  • Dear, welcome to the Corporate World ! Here, you are encouraged to ask questions but didn’t they tell your during induction , its upto the discretion of higher management whether to answer or not. Isn’t it a great motivation to reach there soon ?

Right now, I am in a position where I get to view the perspective from both sides as I report to someone and there are others who report to me ! Its my personal and very strong belief that - when a decision has to be taken, all the stakeholders has to participate whether the decision impacts them directly or not. I believe it helps me in developing an ambience where everyone feels they have had a role to play and this sows the seed of self-esteem in a resource which I believe influences the productivity.

Why its difficult to have a democratic set up in truest sense in Corporate world ? Else, lets just write off the claim that a company grows with its resources. Why can’t it be proclaimed in open - I pay your salary and You work for my profit ! I find it more logical and easier to accept !

Monday, July 14, 2008

What did I learn today?

One of the ads that left a very deep impression on me was the one for Havells cables - A kids sees his mom struggling to hold the roti she is preparing. The kid gets holds of a cable wire lying unused and bends it in the shape of a holder and gives it to his mom.

What struck me ( a lot others, I am sure) was the presence of mind of the kid. His application skill. In short, the birth of a future innovator !

How many times have we thought fixing things by ourselves without depending on others ? I believe I can safely claim we Indians are not much of a risk taker ! Its an electrician’s job…Its a plumber’s job…lets show to the mechanic ..We always have a handy phone number to call if a nut has come out of its place. Its always someone else’s job !

And to add to the woes, we have had this IT revolution leaving us with fatter pay checks that few bucks don’t matter. We seemed to have pawned our brains !

Innovation does not need a research hub with fancy cables plugged to monitors… your living space is more than enough. When you need a safety pin and all you have is a paper clip, can you make a safety pin out of the clip ? Do you know what are those 3 points in a socket ? When was the last time you replaced the fuse wire yourself when the fuse blew? Next time you have a leaking flush, please take some time to open the lid ..you will be amazed to see its nothing but a simple control system !

When we imbibe the spirit of learning thru questioning in our day-to-day lives, we would have made a wonderful headstart and the next generation will definitely boast of many innovators/inventors !

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Can't get enough of me?

It has been more than two instances now that I have been finding myself in this awkward scenario. While commuting on Wipro shuttles, I find people sitting too close to me that I find it very uncomfortable. Before anyone starts going for my throat, let me clarify - this happens even when there is ample space next to the person.

I understand if three people are sitting on a three seater or two persons on a two-seater, there wont be any space between the commuters while seated. But when one of them has left, I don’t understand whats stopping the other person to shift a bit ? Can it be pure laziness ? Some times, I actually request them to shift but I find it embarassing.

Its true that we live in a very populous country where asking one not to intrude into your personal zone is still a luxury but I believe the above-mentioned situation implies pure lack of common sense if unintentional. If its intentional, I don’t know what to make out of it !

I have been known to voice pro-feminist opinions a lot of times ( I am still in the process of finding out if I am a feminist ) . And it hurts me when I see that the accused in the described scenario have a pair of X chromosomes (for those not biologically inclined , women have two X chromosomes and men have a X and a Y chromosome. To know what is a chromosome, click here - Chromosomes demystified )

I have decided to convince myself there is nothing embarassing in letting them know - " You have had enough of me. Mind shifting aside ? “ Do I have a choice ? :-s

Friday, July 04, 2008

Should I call it a riddle or an Ode ? (Rhymes ‘n Riddle)

Was it Odin’s love
Or was it Kileken
Blessed are they
Having named you, I say !

The tubers are planted
When you are so good
Thou with ten and three
Puts us all in petrified mood !

Oh baby, when you arrive
The world seems full of hope!
Now that you are here
Lets open a can of beer and some Coke !

Honey, Another few hours
You will be out of the doors!
Will await your return
After the day of Jove !

Answer : Here

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Isn't IT scary?

Though I have been part of IT industry for nearly 3 years now, I could never feel integrated with the industry. As always, there was a lot of introspection as to why I am finding it difficult to assimilate with the rest of the industry. My gut feeling is this industry has been over-hyped beyond reality. But what saddens me the most is the monopoly it seems to be enjoying over the most important resource of them all - Human Resource !

If its not about the hijacking of young brains by the industry, I am also worried about so many other fledgeling industries that are growing dependent on IT industry. The entire Indian economy seems to be resting on the foundation of IT industry and the foundation itself is not insulated against the ripples of major economies like US. Is it safe that an industry that coughs up blood if US & other developed nations clear their throat, should be the one that drives a country’s economy ?

According to me, the primary risk (some might tout this as the strength) that industry inherently has is the ease with which the players can be replaced by virtually anyone. If its India today who is the front runner amoung service providers, tomorrow it can be South East Asian Archipelago of Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore or the giant itself - China. This is the reality we should be working towards. In such context, does it make sense to be riding on this wave?
Last but not the least, its my personal opinion that the industry does not exploit human potential to the maximum extent. One can mention innovation but how many are actually involved? Not only does it not exploit, but it actually pays for very less effort. If not the direct cause, IT industry cannot escape from sharing the blame for the current catastrophe of inflation.

At the end of the day, all humans need 3 things - food, water and air !

I find it scary when I realise the prospect of me waking up one day and finding only dumb terminals all around me !

Friday, June 27, 2008

Its time again - for riddle 'n rhyme!

Before the Good Shepherd was born
After the twelve labours were done !
The father was honoured by his son
So say some of the legends !

The Gods mercy was the want !
The bare-all who won the stadion
With hope and peace was he adorned
At one of the world’s wonderful seven !

The pious pagan-hater placed a ban !
Later revived by the Gallic Baron !
Four and hundred years were yet to dawn
Before the next millenium was born !

A parabola faced the Helion
And the flame was turned on !
To light the large cauldron
Till the end , it shines on !

Eight and Twenty warm times
Has the flag been passed upon !
The penta circles will be flying
Next in the land of Red Dragon !

Answer : Here

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lament of a lead!

The heart feels heavy
The tears refuse to be shed !
Dear team members
Why did you do that !

Didn’t I share with you
Every petty info I get !
You had a discussion y’day
But no one mentioned that !

Had always been with you
Whene’er you stayed back !
Being frank and honest
Do you know what’s that !

Lumps form in throat
And eyes become wet !
No, I shall not cry
You don’t deserve that !

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rhymes 'n Riddles - Chaoz ishtyle!

The Sun was in Gemini
When I was born,so gay!
Those who keep up with times
Can meet me everyday !

A size zero figure !
Can I ever achieve, nay !
Mamma mia, Lasagna -
My favourite food, I say !

Haa, here it is
The moment of the day !
To see the postman
Scampering away !

Here comes the dim -wit
Droolin’ canine - to play !
I kick him off the table
Smiling all the way !

Jim is tired of me
So its Paws’ day!
To keep me thinking
Forever, I will stay !

Cozy bed beckons me
Am gonno go lay !
To get the moggy out of the bag
You don’t have all day !

Answer : Come on, do some work; Atleast click here ;-)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Yeh John Galt Kaun Hai?

Prompted by one of Interrobang’s comments in a post of mine, I picked up Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand . I was reading it over the weekend. Though it was the second time I was reading it, I was able to enjoy it more now. But there was a difference during this second time reading. I was able to associate faces for the characters which I did not do last time. I was so affected by this attempt to associate faces to the character that I started browsing for images by characters names.

Hangover existed this morning too. While I was on my way to work this morning, I was thinking if I were to make a bollywood movie based on the novel, how the casting would be ! These are my choices…was not able to complete the list..will keep updating as I think of them!
  • John Galt - Hrithik Roshan
  • Francisco D’Anconia - Vivek Oberoi
  • Dagny Taggart - Thought about this for quite a while and decided on Priyanka Chopra
  • Ragnar Dannesjköld - This was the most surprising bit of my instinct - I dont understand
    why I cant take Jimmy Shergill off my mind when I think about this character
  • Hank Rearden - KK Menon
  • Hugh Akston - Amitabh Bacchan
  • Dr. Robert Stadler - Anupam Kher
  • Lillian Rearden - Mallika Sherawat / Asin
  • James Taggart - I would like to cast Boman Irani but I am a bit apprehensive if he will look too old for the part….so in other words, I am not very sure about this one !
  • Other Characters - Not yet decided. Suggestions are welcome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, the tag line would be “Abey Saale, kisko maloom yeh John Galt kaun hai re? ” ;-)

PS: I am no expert in Hindi. Excuse any errors in the tag line and appreciate the effort :-)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Brand Ambassadors - Who need 'em?

There was an article in TOI recently producing the list of brand ambassadors , the brands they endorse and the duration of time their advertisements is aired in television. And as ever, I was left wondering - Whats all this fuss with celebrities endorsing brands !

As a customer myself, I have never been tempted to buy a product because a XYZ endorses it. I introspected so much considering all possible situations and all possible brand ambassadors but I could not believe I would buy a product just because of the ambassador. Definitely, I will notice the brand, but till date, was never convinced to buy one without considering other factors that influence my decision.

Stepping out of comfy zone of my own world, when I considered other target customers, esp from rural and small town regions, I believe thats the market who would get majorly influenced by the choice of brand ambassadors.

On the other hand, as an urban customer myself, I find my attention completely turned off whenever I see an Amitabh or SRK’s ad on TV that I dont even notice the brand ! Dhoni is quickly making into that list

On a lighter note, the following persons will have all my attention if they happen to be on TV

  • Lalu Prasad Yadav (TV loves him)
  • Mumble from HAPPY FEET fame or Sid the Sloth from ICE AGE. In short, any of those adorable animated characters
  • Late Richard P Feynman (A physicist I adore a lot) Ian Wright (Favourite traveller from Discovery Channel)
  • Lance Klusener (After all, who can stay away when one’s first ever crush appears to be on TV )

Can any one out there who has penchant for marketing strategies throw light on the necessity of spending so much on brand ambassador and what kinda ROI has been typically associated with this strategy ?

Monday, June 09, 2008

Common Cold - Nothing innocuous about it!

Its been nearly four hours since the work day has started and the only sound bytes from the team has been a well-orchestrated symphony of coughs and sneezes, with ‘yours truly’ being an active participant !
Common cold - dont let the seemingly harmless term fool you. After a memorable weekend, as though to aggravate the monday blues that had already creeped in by the evening, it all started with a hardly-audible dry cough and lo, behold ! A matter of few hours, the entire larynx region is under attack and the voice box has been taken hostage ! And the morning left me wondering if I will be deemed a bio-terrorist at the work place . But I wasn’t the sole bio-terrorist at the work place
Even during this miserable time, I found a reason to smile ! I remembered a poem about Common Cold (and titled the same) by Ogden Nash that I had read long time back and took solace in the fact, along with other bodily juices, the creative juice also oozed for some one during this wretched state ! ;-)

Common Cold

Go hang yourself, you old M.D,!
You shall not sneer at me.
Pick up your hat and stethoscope,
Go wash your mouth with laundry soap;
I contemplate a joy exquisite
In not paying you for your visit.
I did not call you to be told
My malady is a common cold.
By pounding brow and swollen lip;
By fever's hot and scaly grip;
By those two red redundant eyes
That weep like woeful April skies;
By racking snuffle, snort, and sniff;
By handkerchief after handkerchief;
This cold you wave away as naught
Is the damnedest cold man ever caught!

Give ear, you scientific fossil!
Here is the genuine Cold Colossal;
The Cold of which researchers dream,
The Perfect Cold, the Cold Supreme.
This honored system humbly holds
The Super-cold to end all colds;
The Cold Crusading for Democracy;
The Führer of the Streptococcracy.

Bacilli swarm within my portals
Such as were ne'er conceived by mortals,
But bred by scientists wise and hoary
In some Olympic laboratory;
Bacteria as large as mice,
With feet of fire and heads of ice
Who never interrupt for slumber
Their stamping elephantine rumba.

A common cold, gadzooks, forsooth!
Ah, yes. And Lincoln was jostled by Booth;
Don Juan was a budding gallant,
And Shakespeare's plays show signs of talent;
The Arctic winter is fairly coolish,
And your diagnosis is fairly foolish.
Oh what a derision history holds
For the man who belittled the Cold of Colds!
Ogden Nash

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

But those are the words I spoke....

Day 1
Scene : A tea-break. Two persons discussing about another person
Characters: Me , Person A (Soon to -be-accused in the post)
Me : Cannot believe I survived thru his rambling!
Person A : (smiles)
(I am wondering if Person A understands what I am talking about)
Me : His reasoning was so ridiculous that I begin to suspect if his IQ is in the range of 10 - 20
Person A : (still giving that stupid smile)
Me : The next time I see him , I guess I will be forced to say “Please grow up and then report to work”. Lets get back to work
Person A : (dutifully follows)
Day 2
Scene : Tea-break again
Characters: Me, Person A & Person B. Person B was not present for the meeting that was discussed the previous day.
Person B : Hey, how was the meeting yesterday ?
Me : Dont worry. You did not miss anything. The same old rigmarole
Person A : We managed to survive his rambling.
(I show some surprise Person A has managed to express some opinion. But I was going to get a shock soon)
Person A : His reasoning was so ridiculous that I begin to suspect if his IQ is in the range of 10 - 20
(I am beginning to gape at Person A.Hey, I felt that way yesterday)
Person A : The next time I see him , I guess I will be forced to say “Please grow up and then report to work”.
Me : (thinking to myself) Hey those were my words..how can you steal them
(I was so enraged I could not stand the company)
Me : Lets get back to work.
Of late, I find myself in the same situation lot often. I do not where to report this opinion-theft. I know these happen everywhere but using the same words too……
The situation seems even more grave when you consider the fact that characters mentioned (other than myself) are the persons I have to spend my entire work day with :-((
Any advice on handling the situation ???

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Home Sapiens : The over-hyped lot !

This morning, I saw a thought provoking scene. On the way to work, on the Neeladri route that the morning shuttles take these days, there was a toddler, probably around 2 years old, outside the thatched hut that I presume to be his home. What caught my attention was this dog that was beside the kid. The dog was sitting majestically on all its fours and the kid was sitting next to it with the complete awareness that he owns the dog and it will not hurt him. The pride of ownership and the authority was so evident in the way the kid was behaving in the dog’s presence and the dog did not seem to resist the idea.
This triggered a chain of thoughts in my mind , in correlation to certain idealogies that I hold with regards to human beings.
Primarily, all of us are hunters. However efficient the mask can be, deep down, all of us are on prowl - just that prey is different for each of us.
The mask, that was referred to in the previous point, has been effectively and meticulously laid thru agents like religion, the idea of civilization etc.
However hard I try, I cannot shake off this feeling that all human beings are nothing but glorified ANIMALS or a PEST that grows on its benefactor. I cannot stand the sense of importance we have attached to ourselves as a species. One cannot deny that we seem to be intellectually superior, but hello, do we ever know what is happening on a micro-level. For all we know, a cockroach dwelling in the crevices in your wall, can probably see thru the crystalline structure of the material that the wall is made up of , without a microscope. After all, it sees things differently than we do.So it knows when a crack is going to develop enough to cause a collapse and so it moves out then.
Given my way, I would like to rip the mask and lay bare the fact that we are hunters and a damn good one at it. I wish we, as a species, acknowledge it and act natural !

Sunday, March 23, 2008

When space and time made no sense !!

Pleasant breeze,
Moonlit night,
Mirthful laughs
But where was I ?

Vapours clouded my eyes;
Silent din was all I heard;
My voice slurred
And I melted away !

A night lost
sans senses !
Words spoken,
I remember none !

I know not what of
All those silent thoughts
Locked away for eons -
Had they found a voice?

Confronting eyes of dears
The next morning !
I understood not - was it
Sympathy or scorn !

Wish that twilight never passed;
The temptation not yielded to ;
Would have been no regret nor the missing evening
Nor the sleepless nights for days after !