Human beings as species could script this enviable success story of theirs primarily due to their adeptness in identifying the need for change and implementation of change itself. From hunters to nomadic gatherers to agricultural settlers to space voyagers (to being terrorists :- ) , each change has been a milestone. Had this species got into comfort zone and given in to complacency, it might have been the end of story considering the fact humans neither had the physical prowess nor superior locomotive capabilities to outdo their predators. I can safely use past tense here as I do not think we have left anyone capable of harming us to exist anymore.Sometimes, I think it may be true after all what Calvin told Hobbes - something to the effect of ‘the entire purpose of history is to produce Chaos’ ;-) No, Calvin used his name instead of ‘Chaos’ :-) I want to quote that and add “and rest of human species’.
This inherent need to change and adapt has materialized itself thru various discoveries, inventions and innovations that served as “change agents”. From Fire to Electricity to attempts to find ‘God’ Particle, our curiosity is what that has differentiated us as an ‘intelligent’ species from the rest. And as member of this species, I am not immune against this ‘curiosity’ bug and have been found to exhibit symptoms of infestation like 1. brooding deeply to understand how things work 2. asking too many questions till the provided answers converge at some point of logic 3. Writing blogs
In light of aforesaid curiosity ,its natural that I have spent some time contemplating as to what could be the next surge of change that is awaiting to happen (meaning I would like to see happen) and the agents that would bring it about. And this is what I believe it would be
- Space travel - I really hope deep from my heart that I get to set foot on some heavenly object other than this brown, boring and often sticky silicon compound on Earth
- Discovery of gene of longevity so that I can live as long as it takes to make that space travel possible
- Generation of Power from sources of renewable energy - like Page 3 gossip which will never exhaust as long as there are celebrities and there will be celebrities as long as Page 3 is there;-) A self sustaining source, wow !
- Most important one - How to get rid of cockroaches from the face of this planet ? Should petition the scientist to extract the source of longevity from these damn creatures as I am sure they are the ones who usurped it all!
What do you think will be the major change in the coming years and what would bring about it ?
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