Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Can't get enough of me?

It has been more than two instances now that I have been finding myself in this awkward scenario. While commuting on Wipro shuttles, I find people sitting too close to me that I find it very uncomfortable. Before anyone starts going for my throat, let me clarify - this happens even when there is ample space next to the person.

I understand if three people are sitting on a three seater or two persons on a two-seater, there wont be any space between the commuters while seated. But when one of them has left, I don’t understand whats stopping the other person to shift a bit ? Can it be pure laziness ? Some times, I actually request them to shift but I find it embarassing.

Its true that we live in a very populous country where asking one not to intrude into your personal zone is still a luxury but I believe the above-mentioned situation implies pure lack of common sense if unintentional. If its intentional, I don’t know what to make out of it !

I have been known to voice pro-feminist opinions a lot of times ( I am still in the process of finding out if I am a feminist ) . And it hurts me when I see that the accused in the described scenario have a pair of X chromosomes (for those not biologically inclined , women have two X chromosomes and men have a X and a Y chromosome. To know what is a chromosome, click here - Chromosomes demystified )

I have decided to convince myself there is nothing embarassing in letting them know - " You have had enough of me. Mind shifting aside ? “ Do I have a choice ? :-s